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Registration for the commission part of the Master's examination

Faculty of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering


Here you can find information about graduation.

If you have questions about the registration, please come to our Discord Channel or contact
Personal data
(This question is mandatory)
Registration Number:
(This question is mandatory)
Master´s Degree Programme:
(This question is mandatory)
Last Name:
(This question is mandatory)
First Name:
(This question is mandatory)
(This question is mandatory)
Examination data
(This question is mandatory)
Master's thesis title:
(Note: You do not have to hand in a hard bound copy of your master's thesis any more.)
(This question is mandatory)

Examination Senate:

  • Please indicate your 1st examiner (= supervisor) below, as well as your suggestions for the other examiners.
  • If examiners are not employed at Graz University of Technology, please also provide an e-mail address of the person.
  • A maximum of two examiners from the same institute may belong to the examination senate and at least one person must have a habilitation.
  • Upload the e-mail history with the confirmation of the respective examiners in the last step "Uploads".

For Software Engineering and Management: at least one habilitated examiner from the Faculty of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering must be a member of the examination board.

(This question is mandatory)
Exam Date: (No earlier than 6 weeks after complete submission; please note the deadline.)
(This question is mandatory)
How would you like your exam to be held?

For what reason do you want to hold your exam in a video conference?

Please note that video conferencing will only be allowed in extreme emergencies.
Teacher Education Subject Area
The master's program is completed with a master's examination, which consists of two parts (...). The first part comprises an examination from the subject area of the master's thesis including the defensio of the master's thesis. For the second part of the examination, a subject area from the other teaching subject (subject science, subject didactics), from the specialization or from the foundations of educational science must be chosen, provided that the latter two are not examination areas of the first part.
Subject to which the master's thesis has been assigned
Second subject

Upload the following documents here:

  • E-mail histories in which the examiners confirm participation in the commission master's examination
  • Plagiarism Check Confirmation
  • UHStat 2 Confirmation
  • optional: Blocking request + contract with company

Title the files with your name + immatriculation number!

(Please state your free-choice subjects here, if not yet recognized.)
(This question is mandatory)